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职称 助理教授 研究领域 政治传播、媒介效果、网络舆论



中山大学传播与设计学院 博士后    2020.12-至今

南方都市报 记者              2009.10-2014.12



2015.1-2020.10 博士,媒体与传播系(博士论文:《社会矛盾后果:香港民意极化与媒体》)


2006.9-2009.7  硕士,新闻学院

2002.9-2006.7  学士,新闻学院









Wu, Y., Ye, Q., Shen, F., Zhang, Z., & Jiang, C. L. (2022). Country-and app-level factors affecting the adoption and evaluation of COVID-19 mobile apps. BMC Public Health, 22(1), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14918-8 (SCIE)


Wu, Y., & Shen, F. (2022). Exploring the impacts of media use and media trust on health behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic in China. Journal of Health Psychology, 27(6), 1445-1461. https://doi.org/10.1177/1359105321995964 (SSCI)

 吴怿,闵晨.《互联网使用、互联网信任与网民社会心态变化——基于2013-2019年CSS调查的研究》, 收录于《互联网与国家治理发展报告(2021)》,社会科学文献出版社,2021年11月出版.

Wu, Y., & Shen, F. (2020). Negativity makes us polarized: a longitudinal study of media tone and opinion polarization in Hong Kong. Asian Journal of Communication, 30(3-4), 199-220. https://doi.org/10.1080/01292986.2020.1784968 (SSCI)

Song, Y., & Wu, Y. (2018). Tracking the viral spread of incivility on social networking sites: The case of cursing in online discussions of Hong Kong–Mainland China conflict. Communication and the Public, 3(1), 46–61. https://doi.org/10.1177/2057047318756408 (ESCI)

 王天娇,夏川理,吴怿,沈菲.《国家好感度、经济感知与文化态度:2012-2015中国网民与非网民比较》,收录于《互联网与国家治理发展报告(2017)》. 社会科学出版社. 2017年11月出版.




“世界传播学协会年会(国际交流项目资助)”,中国博士后科学基金会国际交流项目资助(编号: 2021-203-2),项目经费2万元。  





闵晨、吴怿. (2022年7月).《网络新闻不文明留言对公众政治态度及行为的影响研究》, 第十五届中国传播学大会(优秀论文).

Min, C., Wu, Y., & Shen, F. (2022, May). Does online incivility mobilize or demobilize political participation? Evidence from Hong Kong’s anti-ELAB-movement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Communication Association, Virtual conference.

Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2021, May). What is the cause? Relationship among online sentiment, newspaper tone and public opinion polarization. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Communication Association, Virtual conference.

Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2019, May). Negativity makes us polarized: A longitudinal study of media tone and opinion polarization in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Communication Association, Washington DC, USA.

Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2017, May). The Influence of Traditional Media, Internet Media and Personal Communication on Voting Decision: the Filter Hypothesis in New Media Environment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Communication Association, San Diego, USA.

Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2017, July). Public Opinion Polarization Within Population and Inter Groups: An Analysis of Hong Kong. Paper presented at the annual conference of World Association of Public Opinion Research, Lisbon, Portugal.

Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2016, November). Predicting attitude polarization: The role of bias perception and internet news use. Paper presented in 7th Honours Symposium for Asian PhD students in Communication Research, Hong Kong. (Top paper awarded).            

  Wu, Y. & Shen, F. (2016, October). Converge or Diverge: Public opinion polarization in Hong Kong. Paper presented in 8th Postgraduate Symposium of the Chinese Journalism and Communication Consortium. (Top paper awarded).                

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