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职称 助理教授 研究领域 绿色营销、旅游管理、绿色广告、品牌关系、企业社会责任



近五年发表11篇SSCI期刊论文,均为第一或通讯作者。文章发表在Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,Journal  of  Destination  Marketing  &  Management, Journal of Product and Brand Management。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和中国博士后科学基金面上项目等。






1. 2021.01.01-2023.12.31,国家自然科学基金项目,“拟人化沟通视角下的绿色品牌真实性感知研究:维度、形成及对绿色品牌成瘾的影响”,主持,在研。

2. 2021.06-2023.06,第 69 批全国博士后基金, “互动式沟通策略对绿色品牌资产的影响研究:基于建构主义真实性视角”,主持,已结题。

3. 2022.01.01-2025.12.31,国家自然科学基金面上项目,“品牌文化资本的维度、合法性成因及对品牌绩效的影响研究”,参与,在研。


1. Jialing Lin, Zhimin Zhou, Fucheng Zheng, Xinru Jiang, Ninh Nguyen*. How do hotel star ratings affect the relationship between environmental CSR and green word-of-mouth? , 2023, Forthcoming (Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,SSCI-Q1, IF:8.464) 第一作者

2. Jialing Lin, Yubo Huang*, Mengyao Li. Consumer perceived green brand innovativeness and green word-of-mouth intention: The moderating role of green knowledge. 2023, Forthcoming (Total Quality and Business Excellence, SSCI-Q3, IF:4.168) 第一作者

3. Jialing Lin, Zhimin Zhou.The positioning of green brands in enhancing their image:the mediating roles of green brand innovativeness and green perceived value,2022,17:1404-1424.(International Journal of Emerging Markets, SSCI-Q2,IF=3.422). 第一作者

4. Yao Cao, Jialing Lin*, Zhimin Zhou. Promoting customer value co-creation through social capital in online brand communities: The mediating role of member inspiration. 2022, (Computers in Human Behavior, SSCI-Q1,IF:8.957) 唯一通讯

5. Jialing Lin, Zhimin Zhou, Civilai Leckie*. Green brand communication, brand prominence and self-brand connection, 2021,30:1148-1161.(Journal of Product and Brand Management,SSCI-Q2,IF=5.248). 第一作者

6. Zhimin Zhou, Fucheng Zheng, Jialing Lin*, Nan Zhou.The interplay among green brand knowledge, expected eudaimonic well-being and environmental consciousness on green brand purchase intention. 2021, 28:630-639 (Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,SSCI-Q1, IF:8.464)唯一通讯

7. Yufan Jian, Jialing Lin*, Zhimin Zhou.The role of travel constraints in shaping nostalgia, destination attachment and revisit intentions and the moderating effect of prevention regulatory focus. 2021, 19:100516 (Journal of Destination Marketing and Management. SSCI-Q1, IF:7.158)唯一通讯

8. Jialing Lin, Antonio Lobo*, Civilai Leckie. The Influences of Green Brand Innovativeness and Value Perception on Brand Loyalty: The Moderating Role of Green Knowledge. 2019, 10:1-15 (Journal of Strategic Marketing, ABI检索,ESCI, 澳洲ABDC list: A) 第一作者

9. Jialing Lin, Antonio Lobo*, Civilai Leckie. The Role of Benefits and Transparency in Shaping Consumers' Green Perceived Value, Self-brand Connection and Brand Loyalty. 2017, 35: 133-141 (Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, SSCI-Q1, IF:10.972) 第一作者,引用率171

10. Jialing Lin, Antonio Lobo*, Civilai Leckie. Green Brand Benefits and Their Influence on Brand Loyalty. 2017, 35: 425-440 (Marketing Intelligence & Planning, SSCI-Q3, IF:4.338) 第一作者,引用率110

11. Jialing Lin, Antonio Lobo*, Civilai Leckie. Determinants of Green Perceived Value and Their Influence on Brand Loyalty: Perceptions of Chinese Consumers. 2016, 9 (World Journal of Management, ABI检索, ABDC list: C). 第一作者,引用率41


1. Jialing Lin, Yubo Huang*, Yaomeng Li. 2022 ,“Enhancing green purchase intention: Whether, how, and when brands should emphasize product transformation salience”JMS中国营销科学学术年会  

2. Jialing Lin, Yubo Huang, Mengdan Wang. 2022,“The impact of message objectivity and service robots in hotels’ green CSR communication”JMS中国营销科学学术年会  

3. 林嘉玲,周志民,“The Drivers of Green Brand image:Green brand positioning, Green brand innovativeness and green perceived value ”,第六届(2020)绿色消费与绿色营销专题研讨会。

4. Lin, J.L., Lobo, A. and Leckie, C. (2017), “Brand Attachment Influencing Brand Forgiveness”, Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

5. Lin, J.L., Lobo, A. and Leckie, C. (2015) “Determinants of Green Perceived Value and Their Influence on Brand Loyalty: Perceptions of Chinese Consumers”, International Business Research Conference, Melbourne, Australia (优秀会议论文).




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